Family may sue sex-case teacher

26th May 2000, 1:00am


Family may sue sex-case teacher
RENATE Williams, the drama teacher cleared of sleeping with a 15-year-old pupil, may be sued by the boy’s family.

Ms Williams had admitted skinny-dipping in front of students while drunk on a field trip, but always denied sleeping with the boy.

She was acquitted of indecent assault at Worcester crown court last November, and has pledged to fight to clear her name if civil action is taken against her.

She now teaches English at a convent school in Egypt.

Police are keeping a watching brief on the case and have been in touch with the family.

A joint team of senior school and social services inspectors is due to revisit the independent boarding school, which cannot be named, in July.

Its visi follows a critical social services report last summer. That report focused on the school’s child protection procedures, citing unreported incidents, poor vetting of staff, inadequate night staff, and unsatisfactory complaints procedures.

A parent at the school is campaigning for Ms Williams to be included on the Department for Education and Employment’s “list 99” of people barred from working with children for misconduct or medical reasons.

The school confirmed it had supplied details of Ms Williams’ case to officials at the DFEE.

But a department spokesman would not say if it was considering blacklisting Ms Williams, adding that it was departmental policy not to comment on individual cases.

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