KS 34
Work as a class on a wall map of Pakistan to illustrate its diversity.
Make a list of reasons why people from Pakistan have migrated to the UK.
Classify these as “push” (forces driving them away from Pakistan) and “pull” (forces attracting them to the UK). What has been the impact of this migration on the places they have come from and the cities they have moved to?
Draw a flow diagram to explain what is meant by “chain migration”.
KS4 Draw a map to show the distribution of Pakistani immigrants to the UK.
Find out about the Mangla Dam Project (en.wikipedia.orgwikiMangla_Dam).
Why was the dam built?
KS5 The article says Pakistan has “artificial borders”. What does this mean and what problems has this caused? See news.bbc.co.uk2hisouth_asiacountry_profiles1157960.stm.