Girfec delivery is difficult

9th November 2012, 12:00am


Girfec delivery is difficult

I have no doubt that individual teachers in secondary schools are, within their own gambit, trying to get it right for every child (“Not alone: few are taught about Girfec policy”, 2 November).

It is no surprise, however, that the wider intention and impact of Girfec is not fully understood or indeed properly CPD-supported. When you significantly reduce the support staff in schools and authorities, increase the challenge of delivery of new curricula and methods, see the general reluctance for partnership working across the major players because of resource issues, Girfec as it was intended is going to take time to filter down to the staff who actually have to deliver.

There is often a serious policy practice mismatch between policymakers and those at the sharp end of delivery. There is a world of difference between declaring an aspiration and expecting that it can be delivered easily on the ground. Everyone would happily sign up for the aspiration. It will take a lot more coherent planning and multi-agency working to make it happen.

Ken Cunningham, general secretary, School Leaders Scotland.

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