Greer takes reins in Fife

9th December 2005, 12:00am


Greer takes reins in Fife
Fife’s new head of education is Ken Greer, a senior manager with the council for the past three years. Mr Greer, aged 51, takes over from Roger Stewart, who died in September.

The favoured internal candidate for the pound;97,000 a year post brings significant experience from the inspectorate and the Scottish Executive. He was an inspector for six years and became its specialist in English before moving over to the Executive in 2000 to draft the national cultural strategy.

When he joined Fife as a senior manager in 2003, he was back on familiar territory, having spent 10 years in promoted posts at Buckhaven and Dunfermline high schools. Before that, he was an adviser in Grampian Region.

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