The inside story on Islam

29th March 2002, 12:00am


The inside story on Islam
ISLAM, THE NATURAL WAY. By Abdul Wahid Hamid. MELS pound;10.50. 61 Alexandra Road, London NW4 2RX. Tel: 020 8202 1799.

From East to West - with a stop in the West Midlands - Terence Copley takes a journey through secondary RE resources

RE teachers, especially non-specialists, are sometimes wary of teaching Islam, precisely because they want to get it right. Aware of Islamophobia in the West, also aware that outrages have been committed - and condemned - in the name of Islam, the non-Muslim teacher can feel understandably insecure. Although this is a 1989 text, it has been reprinted six times and it may help the nervous teacher.

This is not a conventional UK RE textbook. It is written from an openly Islamic viewpoint and its intention is clearly stated at the outset - to show that Islam is the natural way for all creation. The 195 pages of text are unrelieved by illustration or pupil activities, but the content is detailed and clear, not only about Islam but also its position with regard to other religions and secularism.

As a key stage 4 or A2 resource, or a resource for the teacher, key aspects of Islam are clearly explained from an insider viewpoint.

Terence Copley is professor of religious education at the University of Exeter

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