Lesson ideas: Geography

12th May 2006, 1:00am


Lesson ideas: Geography

KS 12

Prepare a class assembly about China: where is it, what is it like, how is it different to where we live, what comes from China, how is it changing? Global Eye’s “Eye on China” (search the index) will get you started: www.globaleye.org.uk.

Investigate “comparisons”, eg mountainsplains; hotcold; wet dry; traditional farmsmodern factories; richpoor. Label these onto an A3 map of China. An atlas and Google’s image search will provide material.


Divide the class into three groups. One group should become familiar with He Yoa Xin’s story, one with Luo Shun Xin’s and the other should pretend to be journalists and agree questions to ask the two women. Put the pupils in groups of three with the journalist interviewing the two women.

For homework, ask pupils to investigate the contents of their living room and kitchen and compile a list of everything that is “made in China”. Use as the basis for exploring trade links between the UK and China.

KS 45

What is the link between China and Oasis, Top Shop and Next; the rising price of steel; Rover cars; Nottingham University?

Investigate the so-called “bra wars”; a search on the BBC website www.bbc.co.uk will provide background material. What does this dispute tell us about world trade?

What impact is China’s rapid development having on society, the economy and the environment?

Keith Grimwade

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