Lochview has the winning formula

9th November 2007, 12:00am


Lochview has the winning formula

A nursery in one of Glasgow’s poorest areas has received one of the best inspection reports ever published in Scotland.

Lochview Nursery in Easterhouse, which was inspected jointly by HM Inspectorate of Education and the Care Commission, was praised for its provision of challenging physical activities indoors and outdoors, and its encouragement of early literacy and numeracy skills.

“All children enjoyed listening to stories and most used the book area independently to read and find information. Children wrote about what they had been learning on the learning board,” said the report.

“In the shop they counted money and weighed vegetables and used mathematical language when measuring one another.”

The report identified five key strengths:

- The quality of interaction between staff and children;

- Very good progress in children’s learning across all areas of the curriculum;

- Opportunities for children to develop communication, language and early mathematics through play;

- Very good support offered to children and families;

- Effectiveness of the leadership provided by the headteacher.

Rosemary Donaldson, the headteacher (pictured), said the highlight was the inspectors’ finding that children were becoming “confident and competent learners who worked hard and completed challenging tasks” and were “highly motivated”.

The key to the nursery’s success, she felt, was good leadership and the dedication of staff.

“We have a good staff here who are motivated and like a challenge and are willing to embrace new initiatives,” she said.

“The children are keen to learn and the staff seize upon every opportunity to teach them. We are a very child-centred nursery where the children learn through play - but it’s well planned play.”

Photographs: Graham Hamilton.

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