Maths miscalculations

14th May 2004, 1:00am


Maths miscalculations
Not all the weaknesses in schools’ use of ICT can be attributed to teachers needing time to learn about new technology.

Inspectors report that “many schools make effective use of calculators but this is not always the case, even in sixth-form lessons. “Poor practice typically involves (their) inappropriate use by students for simple arithmetic.”

Problems with graphing calculators are also common.

If some maths teachers cannot even get to grips with calculators then what chance do PE teachers have with computers?

The Office for Standards in Education reports that the use of ICT in PE teaching is unsatisfactory in a third of schools and much too limited at key stage 3. But the quarter of schools where the use of ICT in PE is good or very good put their miscalculating maths colleagues to shame.

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