New dean hopes to heal troubled faculty

8th December 2000, 12:00am


New dean hopes to heal troubled faculty
THE NEW DEAN of the troubled education faculty at Glasgow University is Hirek Kwiatkowski, who at present heads its department of curriculum studies.

Dr Kwiatkowski, formerly of St Andrew’s College and a Roman Catholic, takes over next August from Bart McGettrick, under whom four heads of department offered their resignations. It is understood that the Catholic Church is happy that safeguards for denominational education - which were written into the merger agreement between the uiversity and college - will be maintained through Dr Kwiatkowski’s four-year appointment.

He told the TES Scotland this week that he was encouraged by the “tremendous support” he had received. He had allowed his nomination to go forward only because he believed that he could help unite the faculty. In October a report charting the way ahead was rejected by 61 lecturers out of 71 at a faculty meeting. They said that it ignored issues of mismanagement.

Willis Pickard

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