Opera house hosts jazz

13th June 2003, 1:00am


Opera house hosts jazz

THE Purcell School, the independent specialist music school in Bushey, Hertfordshire, will perform its first major jazz concert in the Linbury Theatre of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, on Monday, June 23.

The concert, directed by Miranda Francis, the school’s head of jazz and academic music, is a review of some of the most exciting performances of the past four years and a celebration of the diversity of jazz styles represented in the school.

The school has just been awarded the UNESCO Mozart Gold Medal for its work in music education. The 12 jazz bands play an important role in the school’s outreach programme, leading primary school workshops in Hertfordshire and the West Country.

Further information from Miriam Juviler on 01923 331138 or from s.kyriakides@purcell-school.org

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