Opportunity to sell stamps spurned

28th December 2001, 12:00am


Opportunity to sell stamps spurned

Hard-pressed governors are unlikely to take advantage of Government moves to let them set up or buy into limited companies to run post offices and health centres.

A survey, funded by The TES, reveals that half are already unhappy with their existing responsibilities for managing premises outside the school hours.

The proposal, in the Education Bill, is part of Government plans to encourage innovation in schools and allow them to provide community services as part of an extended day.

The National Association of Governors and Managers, which compiled the survey, says the finding is bad news for ministers, and is using it to lobby MPs for a reduction in their duties.

Chairwoman Jane Phillips said NAGM’s third annual survey showed governors felt overburdened. And after two years in which they have been equally critical of local and central government, some are beginning to argue in favour of education authorities taking back some of their responsibilities - particularly for employing staff.

“This Bill is a dog’s breakfast. It makes changes we don’t need and ignores the fundamental issues which exercise governors - workload, inappropriate responsibilities, governor retention and the improvement of provision in their schools,” said Mrs Phillips.

“This survey was conducted before the Education Bill was published but responses indicate that the content of the Bill provides a poor fit with governor aspirations and will lead to further disillusion and cynicism.”

A Department for Education and Skills press officer said: “All the legislation we are currently putting through is offering discretionary powers to governing bodies. It’s up to them whether they want to use these powers to extend services.”

Chris Gale, chairwoman of the National Governors’ Council, said: “I have no problem with the proposals except equality of opportunity. Those schools with business-minded governors and heads are going to be blessed - how about those who do not have access to this sort of expertise and knowledge?”

Governors, 15

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