Oxbridge elite: still the posh and unsporty?

3rd September 2010, 1:00am


Oxbridge elite: still the posh and unsporty?


It is disappointing Oxford has chosen to tell its aspiring students that it only values academic achievement. Anyone wishing to study there needs to have first-class academic achievements and the potential for more, but how can they get the best out of university if they do not have a breadth of interests and an enquiring mind beyond their subject area? However clever a young person might be, if he or she finds no joy or reward in, say, music or sport, can’t work with their peers or organise their lives, they will not be prepared for life. These skills come from playing in the school band, charity work and schemes such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Oxford will not get the best out of its students if it denies them a life beyond academic success.

Gillian Low, Headmistress, The Lady Eleanor Holles School, Hampton, and president, Girls’ Schools Association.

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