NUMBER TRAIN. Age 4 - 6 Numeracy support. Sherston Software pound;42.95 01666 843200
Number Train is a cheery package of CD-Rom and worksheets for young mathematicians, combining the reinforcement of essential mental arithmetic skills with simple, but effective graphic presentation.
Teacher options provide for individual pupil records, activity choice and three levels of difficulty. Areas covered include place value, ordering numbers, odd and even numbers, counting in twos, addition, combining two or three sets, conting on and subtraction. For each of these, questions are posed through games and activities which will prove a useful addition to numeracy lessons, providing small group or individual practice. Mathematical expressions are varied as the pupil enters a response, which will help the development of mathematical language and conceptual understanding.
The programme is helpfully narrated with on-screen text and positive reinforcement messages are heard at regular intervals from the ubiquitous Murphy Mouse.
Jon O’Connor