
7th January 2000, 12:00am


The Literacy and numeracy strategies have certainly focused the attention of software publishers. BETT 2000 will be awash with supporting titles. Indeed, you will need to plan your visit more carefully than ever this year to get more than a glimpse of items of special interest.

Softease will be showing Textease Primary (pound;49), specially designed for younger primary children. It combines Textease’s flexibility, and ease of use with some exciting features of its own. Look out too, for Textease Spreadsheet (pound;29). Among the literacy resources on show don’t miss the Advisory Unit’s new Concept Keyboard overlays designed to support the literacy hour for infants and SEN children. Granada Learning’s Primary Toolkit (pound;149) is a software suite that offers integrated word processor, spreadsheet, database and art program. This Toolkit is designed to provide schools with a complete suite of ICT tools, each sharing a common interface and lots of support packs. Check out too, Granada’s excellent All About Number at Level 1 (pound;49). This fourth CD-Rom in the series really does hit the mark. Topologika will be showing the DoIT series (pound;30) designed to help teachers deliver those key skills in ICT through literacy and numeracy. DoIT provides 16 programs in four packs, each covering one area of the curriculum. There’s a lot of good “back-to-basics” here!

Logotron has been working overtime to produce a comprehensive range of literacy and numeracy resources, including the BBC Maths Workshop CD-Roms (pound;49) mapped directly to the numeracy strategy. Sherston Software will also have a whole range of new and exciting products like Teachers Cupboard 2000 (pound;29.95).

RM will be showing RM Maths (version 3) now with Numeracy Report, to report the progress and problems of individuals or groups of pupils. Like SuccessMaker, it increases confidence and motivation.

Your school can’t afford a digital camera? Oh yes it can, with TAG Development’s low-cost Jam C@m digital camera (pound;59.95) including software and leads. It’s a great way to get started with digital photography.

Data Harvest will be showing EcoLog Timer, a portable, remote timer. With a selection of switches to choose from, Timer will tell you how long it takes to hop from one mat to the other, or how long it takes a toy car to go from the top to the bottom of a slope. It features an LCD screen, which displays results which can be downloaded to a computer, if requird.

Commotion will be showing the “speaking”, CoCo+ for Windows and the new Junior Interface (arguably, the lowest priced interface available for primaries). LEGO will be launching “exclusively” through Commotion, its new eLAB kit. eLAB is aimed at upper primary science and contains specialist elements for studying energy. It enables the pupils to build models and test energy transfer, energy storage and loss and alternative energy sources.

Castle Technology is the first company ever to licence RiscOS 4 pre-installed option on Risc PC and A7000+ computers. Don’t write off these very capable computers simply because Acorn no longer exists. If you are under pressure to install a PC network, you don’t have to get rid of your investment in Acorn kit. CITRIX, from Cannon Computing, is a network solution that ensures that any Acorn computer in your school will run both Windows NT and RiscOS software transparently from the CITRIX server. The best of both worlds.

Setting up and managing a lively, on-going website, with regular updates, can be very time consuming. SchoolWebsite, from Questions Publishing takes the situation in hand by offering a “template” service that is fast and easy to set up and maintain for a subscription of pound;250annum.

Again, for time saving and economy, Espresso is hard to beat. Downloading via satellite, Espresso’s multimedia-based, resource materials are updated weekly and offer more than any video, CD-Rom, encyclopedia or TV programme.

Usborne Books have been busy publishing a range of Computer Guides. At pound;5.99 each they offer excellent value for money as each is attractively presented and packed with gems of information. Don’t miss Build Your Own Website and The Complete Book Of The Internet amp; World Wide Web (pound;12.99). These just have to find their way to school libraries.

Advisory Unit Stand: Computing Stand: Technology Stand: Stand: M50Tel: 01732 773399Data Harvest Stand: Productions Stand: Learning Stand: Stand: F30www.logo.comRMStand:D50E50www.rm.comSherston Software Stand: E69www.sherston.comSoftease Stand: M22www.textease.comTAG Stand: Topologika Stand: D10www.topologika.comUsborne Publishers Stand: P10Tel:0116 254 7671

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