Primary jobsearch

7th July 2006, 1:00am


Primary jobsearch
Your job and career questions answered

Q: What are my chances of getting a job as a newly qualified primary teacher? I applied for several authority pools in spring, but was unsuccessful. I then decided to concentrate on finishing my course and am now worried that I have left it too late. Can you reassure me?

A: Not without more information, such as how free you are to look for a post wherever one may arise. You should talk with the careers service at your university or college, assuming you are not on a school-based course. The advisers often know quite a lot about the state of the teaching market and may be able to offer advice. Make full use of all the contacts you have made during the year: tutors, heads of placement schools and anyone else who might be useful. At this stage of the year, you need to sell yourself.

But do be prepared not to be successful in the short run; you may have to wait until the autumn.

If you have a question for John Howson, please email

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