Simon Midgley compiles the fourth annual TES Survey of the salaries and benefits of UK college leaders for the year ending July 2003
a. Includes enhanced pension contribution of pound;128,039 and pound;3,938 benefits in kind
b. Includes payment to principal, acting principal and a compensation payment to principal
c. Two principals in post this year
d. Two principals and an acting principal in this year
e. Financial year runs from Jan to Dec 2003
f. Paid to principal for 5 months; additional money paid to deputy chief executive acting as principal for 7 months not revealed in accounts
g. Two principals in this year; the additional costs of two vice principals carrying out the principal’s duties for several months are not included in this emolument figure
This table is compiled from sets of college accounts, data from the national Learning and Skills Council and from the Further Education Financial Yearbook (200405 edition). The latter is available from CaritasData Ltd, Paulton House, 8 Shepherdess Walk, London NI 7LB, price pound;305 (FE institutions Pounds 230) Telephone: 0207.566.8210