We’ve been overwhelmed by the response to our plea for your examples of grammatical gaffes and punctuation howlers. But keep the entries rolling in - we’ve got more copies of the excellent Eats, Shoots amp; Leaves to give away, signed by the punctuation queen herself, Lynne Truss.
Alison Taylor wins a copy of the book for sending in a Nottinghamshire road sign (above). It looks like county council employees have a problem with that old “I before e except after c” rule.
And a signed copy of the book is also winging its way to Michael Flowers, with this snippet from his school noticeboard: “Joseph Miller’s granddad died very suddenly yesterday. He is not in today.”
Send your entries to gail.robinson@tes.co.uk or post them to Tessa Bartley, First Appointments, TES, Admiral House, 66-68 East Smithfield, London, E1W 1BX.