Pupils reveal secret thoughts

10th March 2000, 12:00am


Pupils reveal secret thoughts

PUPILS at a Peterborough primary have become television stars with their frank admissions about life in the classroom.

The revelations of seven-year-olds from Oakdale school in Stanground, Cambridgeshire,featured in the BBC documentary The Secret Life of Year Three, make fascinating viewing.

Highlights have included Louisa who, when asked whether she made friends easily, replied: “Yes I do.” Why? “Because I am a person people like the most.”

Then there was Daniel who tried to explain how difficult it was for him to sit still sometimes: “I’m trying to be good, but that feeling just comes over me - my brain moves me about.”

Marco, meanwhile, was concerned about parent-teacher night, which he labelled “creepy, because you don’t know what the teachers are going to say”.

Education docu-soaps are quite the thing at the moment. Witness the fly-on-th-wall documentary on Icknield high in Luton, School Days, now showing on ITV on Sunday evenings.

Oakdale was chosen after an exhaustive nationwide search for “an ordinary middle England school”, according to Jeremy Mills, executive producer for the production company Lion Television.

John Hardy, headteacher, was consulted for advice and shown the three 40 minute episodes before they went to air. He said the show gave real insight into the mind of a seven-year-old.

Despite initially finding the experience “a little nerve-wracking”, Years 2 and 3 teachers soon carried on as normal.

No teachers or parents objected to the programme being made, Mr Yardy said, and the local community had reacted positively.

The three-part series concludes next week.

The final episode of The Secret Life of Year Three is on Tuesday at 9.50pm on BBC2.

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