11th January 2008, 12:00am


Q: I am a special needs co-ordinator who also has responsibility for pupils with English as an additional language. I receive a Teaching and Learning Responsibility payment (TLR1) of pound;9,000 plus my main scale salary. Is this about right?

A: You don’t say anything about the size of the school where you are teaching, but, from my analysis of adverts for similar posts over the past 12 months, I would say that this was about the middle of what you might expect, assuming your school is an averaged-sized comprehensive without an overwhelming number of pupils with special needs.

You are also eligible to be considered for the special educational needs allowance (see paragraph 27 of the Pay and Conditions Document for more information). There are two levels, the basic award is of pound;1,866. This is for those teachers in ordinary schools (and special schools) who are wholly or mainly teaching pupils with statements in designated separate classes.

There is also a provision for those teaching pupils who are visually or hearing impaired. To achieve the allowance your contribution must be judged to be significantly greater than that normally expected of a classroom teacher.

There is a second allowance of pound;3,687 for anyone who has experience or qualifications considered especially relevant to special needs work.

John Howson is a recruitment analyst and visiting professor of education at Oxford Brookes University. To ask him a question, email him at

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