Rapped for deceit

2nd December 2005, 12:00am


Rapped for deceit

A Newport primary teacher has been reprimanded for two years for failing to disclose his criminal record when applying for jobs.

Owen Cleary, who taught at the city’s Monnow junior school, appeared before a General Teaching Council for Wales conduct committee last month.

He was found guilty of unacceptable professional conduct for not reporting a 2002 conviction for threatening behaviour and a 2003 caution for another public order offence. He did disclose a 1999 conditional discharge for criminal damage.

A Newport council spokesman said Mr Cleary had successfully applied for a two-year fixed term contract at the school in 2003, but missed out on a permanent job in 2004. When his full criminal record came to light, he was dismissed and left the school earlier this year.

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