17th September 2004, 1:00am


Botox opens up issues of image, self-image, and how far self-preoccupation is morally justifiable. It also raises issues of whether we’re running away from ageing and why. Is it cool to want always to look young? This is not just a film star issue. How many elderly air stewards receptionists do we meet? What’s wrong with the “older look” for the older person? If Gran goes clubbing in a mini-skirt would you be pleased to meet her? What does each of us want to see in the mirror? Then there’s the area of risk. What other lifestyles have risk - eg alcohol abuse, smoking? When is a risk worth taking? What else could that pound;200 Botox shot buy... and dare anyone read Luke 12.13-21 in this context, with its warning of placing reliance on material possessions?

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