* DfES. All schools should have a copy of Bullying - Don’t Suffer in Silence: an anti-bullying pack for schools. Includes a video and advice on policy, strategies, working with parents and improving the environment. Also contains case studies, a comprehensive list of resources, and advice for pupils, parents and families. 020 7925 5637. Also on the DfES anti-bullying website: or
* ChildLine (, primarily a helpline for children, also campaigns on particular issues. Chips (ChildLine in Partnership with Schools) encourages schools to support pupils in setting up peer support and anti-bullying projects. Tel: 020 7239 1000. Free 24-hour helpline: 0800 1111.
* Anti-Bullying Campaign advice line for parents and children. Tel: 020 7378 1446.
* Kidscape ( Advice for children, parents and teachers, and a bullying counsellor. Also provides training and sample policies. Tel: 020 7730 3300.
* The theatre in education group CragRats ( tackles issues such as bullying, drugs and alcohol awareness and sexual health. Put-upon John portrays the consequences of bullying on a young boy by two classmates. Aimed at key stage 3 and 4 pupils. Tel: 01484 686451 or email
* Bullying: an annotated bibliography and resources, by Alison Skinner (Youth Work Press pound;4.88). Tel: National Youth Agency, 0116 285 3700.
* Tackling Bullying in Your School: a practical handbook for teachers, edited by Sonia Sharp and Peter Smith (Routledge pound;18.99).
* School Bullying: insights and perspectives, edited by Sonia Sharp and Peter Smith (Routledge pound;18.99).
* The Anti-bullying Handbook, by Keith Sullivan (Oxford University Press pound;9.99).
Children’s books guides
* Children’s Books About Bullying, a comprehensive books for keeps guide, covers most titles published before 1999. pound;5, order on 020 8852 4953. Website:
* Bullying Booklist by Jane Doggett: mostly children’s books, up to 1998. Lucky Duck for the Gloucestershire School Library Service pound;6.
* Collins Plays Plus. The Bully, by Jan Needle (HarperCollins pound;6.25). Gripping script that asks pupils to examine who is the bully and who the victim, suitable for classwork and school production with suggested background activities.
* Plays with Attitude: Twisted, by Andrew Fusek Peters and Polly Peters (Hodder Wayland pound;4.99). An hour-long play on bullying, friendships and peer pressure.
Curriculum materials
* How to stop bullying, by Michelle Elliott and Jane Kilpatrick. Kidscape training guide. Includes 90 exercises. pound;19.
* Promoting positive behaviour: activities for preventing bullying in primary schools. Headstart. Tel: 020 7247 9489.
* Sticks and Stones. Carlton TV. pound;20, plus pound;2 pamp;p and VAT. Tel: 0121 643 9898.
* The Trouble With Tom. Carlton TV. pound;10.99, plus pound;2.35 pamp;p and VAT. Tel: 0121 643 9898 or email clip_sales@carlton
Other websites
* Bullying Online ( has advice for parents and children, legal advice, problem pages and tips on coping.
* Bullywatch ( includes comprehensive examples of a whole-school anti-bullying policy, and information for pupils, parents and teachers.
For parents
* Parentline Plus (www. National helpline for parents. Tel: 0808 800 2222.
* Advisory Centre for Education advice line for parents. Tel: 020 7354 8321.
* 101 Ways to Deal with Bullying: a guide for parents, by Michelle Elliott (Hodder and Stoughton pound;6.99).
Academic research
* Goldsmiths ( tmr). Work on the nature and prevention of bullying led by Professor Peter Smith at Goldsmiths College, London, including information about bullying in other European countries.
* University of Central Lancashire ( psycholbully). Research site, with links to other sites.
* Roehampton. Helen Cowie’s work on peer support schemes, and a peer support newsletter, is at
* Anti-Bullying network ( Masses of information, with sections for young people, parents, families and teachers. Links to guidance for schools. Tel: 0131 651 6100.
* Scottish Council for Research in Education ( has anti-bullying guides for parents and schools in Scotland.
* Countering bullying unit at Cardiff School of Education. Resource centre that publishes booklets, packs and videos. Tel: Maria Thomas, 029 2041 6781.
Other publications
Fiction for children
* Ganging Up, by Alan Gibbons (Dolphin pound;2.99). A gripping tale that entwines two themes close to the pre-pubescent male’s heart: football and being bullied by older boys. Add close observation of inner-city life, the pressures on families when Dad is made redundant and the puzzles for their sons of male role modelling and you have a good book for the recalcitrant reader aged 10-14.
* Whose Side Are You On?, by Alan Gibbons (HarperCollins pound;6.25). This tale of bullying and racism takes on a new perspective when the hero goes back in time to a slave plantation in 18th-century Jamaica.
* Getting Rid of Karenna, by Helena Pielichaty (OUP pound;3.99). Suzanne can remember the pain caused by the bullying that drove her to the brink of a breakdown. It’s three years since Karenna left the school and Suzanne is putting it all behind her. Then Karenna returns.
* Ghost Writer, by Julia Jarman (Andersen Press pound;9.99). Frankie wants to stay in the school he likes and ignore the bullying teacher who thinks “dyslexic” means lazy. Who is the ghost boy writing on the blackboard?
Non-fiction for children
* Get off my Back! Poems about bullying, edited by John Foster (Collins pound;25.99).
* Gangs and Bullies, by Rosemary Stones (Evans Brothers - Books for Children pound;7.99). Examines what sort of person becomes a bully or a victim and gives advice on how schools and individuals can deal with it. Case studies included.
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