Staff are put off headship

3rd November 2000, 12:00am


Staff are put off headship
STRESS is discouraging primary staff from chasing headships, according to new research.

A Sussex University study reveals that, while few new teachers want to leave the profession, many are reluctant to move into management because of the extra responsibilities.

Questionnaires were sent to teachers who completed postgraduate certificates in primary education between 1990 and 1999. They were asked about the pressures of the job and where they would like to be in five years’ time.

Less than 1per cent of those who qualified in the mid-1990s wanted to get on the headship fast track. Most of those who entered teaching in the early 1990s said they were not aiming to become a head or deputy. Only two out of 190 respondents had taken up senior management posts.

“The results surprised us,” said researcher Dr Vivienne Griffiths. “People don’t want to be anything higher than a subject co-ordinator. This could have drastic implications when there is already a shortage of headteachers.”

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