A time for giving

2nd May 2003, 1:00am


A time for giving

GIVINGNation, a scheme to encourage young people to do more for charity, is urging all UK secondary schools to take part in the first ever G-Week by offering 12 awards of pound;1,000.

One overall winning school will also get the chance to send a group of pupils on an all-expenses-paid overseas trip to see a British Red Cross charity project in action.

Andy Thornton, Giving Nation’s campaign manager, said most secondary schools already did a lot for charities throughout the year, from Comic Relief to sponsored walks or other events to support projects in their local communities.

“We want to celebrate that,” he said. “Schools can gain a great deal simply by telling Giving Nation of their activities.”

The awards should inspire schools to take part in Giving Week, or G-Week, from June 23 to 27, when hundreds of schools across the country will reflect on the value and impact of their past year’s charity-related work or take part in a wide range of charitable activities.

Giving Nation has a free resource pack and CD-Rom to help teachers to enliven citizenship classes and meet their citizenship targets through debates and activities inside and outside the classroom.

The closing date for school award entries is July 18.

www.g-nation.co.ukteachers or call Carolyn Holcroft on 020 7930 3154.

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