Tips to stay shipshape

4th March 2005, 12:00am


Tips to stay shipshape
* Stay positive with the children: Refuse to give in to negative pupil attitudes. Insist that hard work matters, and try to inspire the children to love your subject as much as you do.

* Stay positive in yourself: See the difficulties as challenges - as a way for you to develop a wide range of teaching skills.

* Be persistent: Don’t give up if positive strategies don’t work immediately. It takes time to get into bad habits and, equally, it takes time to overcome them.

* Be innovative: Keep taking risks in your teaching and trying out new and creative approaches. Eventually, these will help you engage the children in their learning.

* Focus on what’s going well: When chaos reigns all around you, focus on those children who are doing as you wish. They probably find school as tough as you do, so let them know that you appreciate their efforts.

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