Trainee skills to be beefed up

14th December 2001, 12:00am


Trainee skills to be beefed up
Ministers want trainee teachers to become better at managing pupil behaviour and working with other adults in the classroom.

The Teacher Training Agency is putting the final touches to draft new standards for qualified teacher status, which are due to be submitted to the Department for Education and Skills before Christmas.

Schools minister Stephen Timms recently said the draft requirements had generally been well-received by training providers and others.

But he added: “I have asked the TTA to strengthen aspects of the final version. We need to enable teachers to delegate routine tasks to others and make greater use of the skills of others.”

Other areas needing more focus are training in the use of technology and managing pupil behaviour.

Other changes require trainees to do teaching practice in at least two schools. The agency had originally suggested practice at just one school, to make life easier for those training on the job.

The agency has also been lobbied to drop the requirement that primary teachers should have a subject specialism.

Karen Thornton

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