The UK’s biggest assembly: Holocaust Education Trust

Every Thursday at 10am, Tes and Oak National Academy host an online assembly – this week, it features The Holocaust Education Trust
20th May 2020, 12:02pm


The UK’s biggest assembly: Holocaust Education Trust
Biggest Assembly

At 10am on Thursday, the Oak National Academy will feature a film from the Holocaust Education Trust, in which school children interview Vera, who was part of the Kindertransport refugee programme to escape Nazi perscecution.  

To watch the assembly, visit the Tes YouTube channel at 10am, or there will be a live link for you to watch below.

Previous assemblies

Week Five: Movement

Week four: Resillience


Week three: Space

Astronaut Helen Sharman, the first Brit to go into space, talks about what it’s like to travel by rocket and more. You can watch below. 

Week two: Wellbeing

One of the star performers in Disney’s West End production of The Lion King leads the nation’s children in an assembly singalong, in the second national assembly from online school Oak National Academy. 

Janique Charles, who plays Nala in the show, walks children through the production’s song Circle of Life.

Week one: Hope 

The Archbishop of Canterbury delivers the inaugural Tes/Oak Academy assembly on the theme of hope. He is joined by the education secretary Gavin Williamson, who delivers some opening remarks. 

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