Victims of violence win bravery awards

20th June 1997, 1:00am


Victims of violence win bravery awards
Mark Whitehead on the 1997 Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

Courage shown by the victims of violence in three horrific attacks at schools last year was recognised in the Queen’s Birthday honours list.

Nursery nurse Lisa Potts, who saved children at St Luke’s infants school, Wolverhampton, who were attacked by a man with a machete, received the George Medal.

Philip Lawrence, headteacher of St George’s Roman Catholic School in north London who was stabbed to death defending a pupil from an attacker, was posthumously awarded the Queen’s Gallantry Medal. Three teachers at Dunblane primary school, including Gwen Mayor, who died in the massacre, received the Queen’s Commendation for Bravery.

The bravery awards were detailed in a special supplement to the main list (see below), in which several people in the world of education are honoured.

They include Professor John MacBeath, director of the Quality in Education Centre, University of Strathclyde, Gordon Beaumont, chairman of the review of national and Scottish vocational qualifications, and several headteachers.

John MacBeath, Opinion, page 22

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