What’s in the Education Secretary’s in-tray?

28th July 2006, 1:00am


What’s in the Education Secretary’s in-tray?

When Mr Johnson returns after his summer break, he will have the following in an overflowing in-tray:

* Safe passage of the Education and Inspections Bill, which will pave the way for a new generation of semi-independent trust schools, through Parliament

* Drafting a green paper on the education of children in care, which Mr Johnson has already pledged will tackle the “scandalous” underachievement of vulnerable children

* Continuing reform of the curriculum, including the creation of a new A-level gold standard, the progress of specialised diplomas for 14-19 year olds and a review of key stage 3

* A further push on academies to meet the Government’s target of creating 200 of the independent state schools by 2010

* Tacking the alarming shortage of heads, described by unions as one of the biggest headaches facing the education system

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