Why reading along while listening may damage learning

In the first of a new series of five-minute video tutorials, Jared Cooney Horvath explains why following captions while listening can hinder you
12th June 2020, 11:02am


Why reading along while listening may damage learning


“You cannot understand the narrator while trying to read simultaneously, there just isn’t enough room in the brain,” argues Jared Cooney Horvath. 

In the first of a new series of five-minute video tutorials, the neuroscientist and Tes columnist explains exactly why this happens and how it impacts your PowerPoint presentations, your whole-class reading and any video lessons you may be recording for your classes. 

You can read the article in the latest Tes magazine if you subscribe (you can subscribe here) where he gives more detail, or you can watch the below video for a five-minute tutorial. 


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