Wick High is where it’s app

Teenagers will research, build and market mobile applications. Elizabeth Buie reports
22nd June 2012, 1:00am


Wick High is where it’s app


Wick High’s computing science department has become the first in Scotland selected to partner Apps for Good, a not-for-profit organisation that encourages young people to use technology to tackle problems for social good.

Its new third year of 55 pupils will work with industry experts throughout the coming year to research, build and market apps on the android mobile platform using App Inventor. Apps for Good has also given Wick High six Dell Streak mobile phones to help them test their apps.

Participants in Apps for Good courses work in teams to identify the issues they want to tackle and how best to solve them with mobile and web applications.

Apps that are successfully designed and prototyped may be selected for professional development via the organisation’s annual Apps for Good national competition.

Computing science teacher Chris Aitken has been working with Debbie Forster, chief operating officer of Apps for Good, to align Curriculum for Excellence outcomes for technologies and computing science with the course.

Mr Aitken says: “The ability to study app development, with access to cutting-edge technology and expertise brings a lot of relevance and enthusiasm to the course. I always like to quote the statistic that only 2 per cent of Google employees say that they were not exposed to computing science at school.”

Apps for Good aims to:

- ignite a passion for technology and social enterprise in young people in the UK;

- encourage young people to use technology to tackle problems for social good;

- increase the entrepreneurial skills and confidence of young people;

- bridge the gap between young people and the business networks and knowledge that can help them.

Visit www.appsforgood.org for details.

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