Wilds Lodge School wins the special needs initiative of the year

The judges said: ‘Often, it can be tempting for schools, especially special schools, to be inward-looking, and this project is anything but.’
8th February 2018, 10:20pm


Wilds Lodge School wins the special needs initiative of the year


It is a project that is both long-term and everyday, and includes much that may seem normal but actually has been life-changing for those who are taking part.

When a local fishing shop owner sought to restore a canal to its former glory from the days when it was a busy waterway in and out of Oakham, Rutland, in the 1700s, he turned to Wilds Lodge School.

The scheme began with boys from across year groups dredging the canal to remove a vast amount of weeds. As the scheme progressed, it included obtaining gravel to re-lay the towpath, helping to restock the canal, making wooden steps in the embankment and creating a conservation area.

It is an ongoing project, with pupils taking bread and apples to feed the birds, and planting native spring bulbs.

The effect on the pupils is clear, and, in its submission, the school said: “Each of them has developed better awareness of conservation, has understood the need to help the local community and developed personal skill such as hard work, teamwork, self-motivation and determination to succeed.”

But the effect on the wider community particularly impressed the judges, with the Oakham Angling Society highlighting the increasing number of people using the canal for walking and wildlife-spotting.

The judges said: “Often, it can be tempting for schools, especially special schools, to be inward-looking, and this project is anything but. Not only does it connect with the community, but it also builds awareness of the environment and how young people can contribute to conservation.”

For all other Tes Independent School Awards winners, click here or follow the hashtag  #tesISAwards

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