Five tips to help you tackle work-related stress in schools
Five tips to help you tackle work-related stress in schools
Mental health is a crucial issue for schools. Fostering good mental health for students is vitally important - especially as it was revealed this week that nearly half a million children are not getting enough mental health support at school.
But in doing so, the mental health and wellbeing of teachers and staff shouldn’t be ignored. In the last year alone, it’s estimated that over 500,000 working days were lost in secondary schools owing to stress, depression or anxiety directly linked to people’s jobs.
Robert McGreal, the lead work-related stress policy advisor at the Health and Safety Executive, has provided his top five tips to help you tackle stress in schools.
He puts forward these ideas not just because fostering a supportive atmosphere is a good thing to do (although it absolutely is…), but because schools have a legal duty to provide such an environment.
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