Founding schools: why it’s not for the faint-hearted

A leader who’s worked in three different founding schools at various career stages shares her insights on what it takes to work and succeed in brand new schools
27th June 2024, 6:00am


Founding schools: why it’s not for the faint-hearted
Founding schools: why it’s not for the faint-hearted

The founding head of Phoenix House International School in Japan, Claire Fletcher, joins the Tes International podcast to share her insights on working in several brand new schools in the international sector and the ups and downs this brings.

From the reality of arriving at a school still being built, to why she believes you have to interview teachers for new schools in person to sense if it’s really for them, she reveals why life as a founding school is “not for the faint-hearted” - but is also incredibly rewarding.

She also offers advice on staying calm when everything around you is brand new and answers are sometimes in short supply - and why this makes recruitment a vital component of setting up a new school.

Listen below or on your podcast platform of choice.


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