Four providers awarded contracts to deliver ECF

Best Practice Network – one of the current providers of the Early Career Framework – has not been awarded a new contract, Tes understands
21st November 2024, 5:03pm


Four providers awarded contracts to deliver ECF
Teacher training: Four providers have been awarded contracts to the run the Early Career Framework

Four providers have been awarded contracts to deliver the government’s Early Career Framework from next year, Tes understands.

Ambition Institute, the Education Development Trust, Teach First and UCL Institute of Education have all been successful in their bids.

However, Best Practice Network, which currently delivers the ECF and is one of the founding providers, was unsuccessful in its bid and has not been awarded a contract from 2025, Tes understands.

All four successful bidders for the four-year contract were existing ECF providers.

The National Institute of Teaching will continue to deliver the ECF but was not involved in this contract process.

There were also a number of unsuccessful bids from other providers. 

The contract decision comes as the new Early Career Framework (ECF) and initial teacher training (ITT) core content framework are set to be rolled into one from September 2025.

Last month the Teacher Development Trust announced that it is to stop offering National Professional Qualifications and had also withdrawn its bid to deliver the ECF.

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