Posts of TikTok-inspired school protests ‘abusive about staff’

Disorderly behaviour and material posted online linked to the current wave of school protests are ‘unacceptable’, warns union leader
6th March 2023, 3:29pm


Posts of TikTok-inspired school protests ‘abusive about staff’
 TikTok and Facebook application on screen Apple iPhone XR

Pupils who take part in “unacceptable” protests in schools - which are said to have been inspired by videos shared on TikTok - are likely to face disciplinary action, a union leader has warned.

Students have posted “abusive” material online about staff and displayed “disorderly behaviour” during school protests, Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), has said, with material posted online “sometimes abusive about named members of staff and involves disorderly student behaviour, which is clearly unacceptable”.

The Department for Education has been made aware of the protests and ASCL has said it will reach out to TikTok directly about the trend.

The union has received “a number of reports” about student protests taking place at schools across the country over the past week and a half - and it said the majority are connected to rules about school uniforms or toilet use.

“This appears to have spread through students posting material on TikTok leading to copycat protests at other schools,” Mr Barton said. 

Mr Barton said: “Staging protests in schools is extremely disruptive and the last thing that schools need when they are already under huge pressure in terms of time and resources.

“Students should raise any concerns they may have through normal and established channels, such as student representative bodies or talking to their class teacher.

“They should not participate in protests and they need to be aware that doing so is very likely to result in disciplinary action.”

“We have signposted our members to a helpline run by the UK Safer Internet Centre, which is flagging posts with TikTok.

“We will also be talking to TikTok directly and we have made the DfE aware of the situation.”

When asked about the school protests at an online Westminster Education Forum and Westminster Media Forum conference on Monday, Ben Bradley, government relations and public policy manager at TikTok, said: “We do allow content that features protests and people speaking up against what they see as injustices. That is something that is not against our community guidelines.

“What we don’t allow is content of violence or anything of that nature and we have been removing any content that we see that veers into that space.

“But video content of people protesting what they see as injustices is allowed on the platform.”

A DfE spokesperson said: “We are concerned at the reports of disruption and will be in touch with all schools and local authorities to ensure they are supported at this time.

“We will always back headteachers to take the action required to maintain calm and supportive classroom environments as they are best placed to work with their teachers, parents, pupils and local communities when developing and implementing policies.”

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