We are releasing carbon into the atmosphere at “an unprecedented pace” and humanity is “already in trouble”, naturalist, climate campaigner and legendary broadcaster Sir David Attenborough told the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow earlier this week.
But it is still possible to “turn tragedy into triumph” and “to rewrite our story”, he said. We are, after all, “the greatest problem solvers to have ever existed on Earth”.
However, “learning comes before innovation”, as adventurer and filmmaker James Levelle said in another COP26 session - this time led by Generation Earthshot, the education arm of The Earthshot Prize.
So how much of a focus is there on climate change in our primaries and secondaries - and what support do schools need in order to cover this important topic?
Tes Scotland reporter Emma Seith travelled to COP26 to ask those who know best: teachers and their pupils. Watch her video report here: