Phillipson says support in maths and science GCSEs should continue

Ofqual consults on whether formulae and equation sheets should be maintained for 2025, 2026 and 2027 exams after education secretary calls for them to remain
3rd October 2024, 3:27pm


Phillipson says support in maths and science GCSEs should continue
Bridget Phillipson in front of kids in science lesson

The education secretary has asked Ofqual to consider keeping formulae and equation sheets for GCSE students for the next three years.

Bridget Phillipson has written to the Ofqual chief regulator Sir Ian Bauckham today to say that GCSE maths, physics and combined science students should not need to memorise formulae and equations in the 2025, 2026 and 2027 exams.

Decisions beyond this date will be subject to the outcome of the government’s ongoing curriculum and assessment review, which may result in further changes.

The secretary of state has asked Ofqual to continue with the arrangements in these GCSE exams, which have been used from 2022 to 2024, providing students with formulae and equation sheets.

In a letter responding to Ms Phillipson, Sir Ian announced that Ofqual would now consult on the proposed changes to exam expectations.

The consultation is open from today until 17 October, and invites views from teachers, school leaders, students, exam officers, exam boards and other stakeholders.

The education secretary said in her letter that she made the decision because evidence shows the pandemic is still impacting students.

“I am also conscious that the independent review of curriculum and assessment will report next year and advise on long-term changes to our curriculum and assessment system to more fully capture young people’s knowledge and abilities, while maintaining the important role of public examinations,” she added.

In his response, Sir Ian said it is important for teachers and students to know the outcome of the consultation as soon as possible.

Supporting materials for GCSE maths, physics and combined science students were originally introduced in 2022 when exams first went back to normal.

Responding to a consultation last year, the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) said the provision of formulae and equation sheets should be permanent.

ASCL also said last year that the decision should have been made earlier to help teachers prepare.

The curriculum and assessment review is expected to report in 2025.

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