
Six education plans in limbo post-election

The new government considers ‘next steps’ for controversial RSHE and gender questioning guidance

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Pay offer backed by teachers and leaders in Northern Ireland

School leaders warn that teacher workload and many others issues have still to be resolved, but hope that higher pay will boost recruitment to the profession

Cambridge warns over PM plan to ditch ‘A level’ name

There is also not enough school space or teachers to deliver Rishi Sunak's Advanced British Standard plan, its exam board OCR warns

Teacher vacancies remain high post-Covid

Experts warn school recruitment will never quite return to pre-pandemic levels as hard-to-hire regions continue to face worse struggle to fill posts

Advanced British Standard: 5 issues raised by heads

Union warns that the government consultation on creating a new post-16 qualification is 'fundamentally flawed'

Gilruth: Some Scottish secondaries schools ‘too big’

Children are becoming ‘lost’ in ‘huge schools’ and it’s bad for the relationships that are key to improving behaviour and attainment, says education secretary

Unions demand ‘fully-funded, inflation-plus’ pay rise

ASCL, Community, NAHT, NASUWT and NEU say STRB pay recommendations must address 'reality of pay cuts, sky-high workload and the recruitment and retention crisis'

End of governor recruitment funding ‘a severe blow’

National Governance Association warns the end of recruitment funding in October will leave boards 'entirely to their own devices'

Majority of teachers need AI training to boost confidence

A new study has found that teachers also want pupils to be taught the 'ethical implications' of using artificial intelligence

DfE could under-recruit in 10 secondary subjects this year

Fears of under-recruitment of teacher trainees for the third year in a row remain despite a rise in bursaries, an increase in applications and a reduction in recruitment targets

Ofsted: Budget cuts risk ‘reliability’ of judgements

The chair of Ofsted’s board warns the DfE about the consequences if the watchdog's budget is squeezed any further

Trusts could do ‘a lot more’ on teacher retention

While the government has 'an absolute responsibility around teacher recruitment...retention is possibly one for us', says CST chief Leora Cruddas

Gilruth: Number of pupils missing school ‘not acceptable’

Downward trend in school attendance data leads education secretary to demand that persistent pupil absence be addressed in every school inspection

Half of places on secondary postgrad teaching courses unfilled

Target was to fill 2,000 places on the secondary PGDE this year but just 1,002 were taken – with maths, physics, computing, technical education, languages, chemistry and music among worst hit

Just 137 behaviour support staff working in Scottish schools

Official figures also indicate the number of these specialists is falling, although numbers of some other non-teaching roles are growing

Poorer students’ absence worsens as they get older

All secondary school year groups had higher absence in the autumn term compared with a year earlier, FFT Education Datalab analysis shows