
Teachers to get 5.5% pay rise

The government has accepted the independent pay body’s recommendations on teacher pay for 2024-25

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OCR review set to call for curriculum and exams overhaul

Exam board review has found that the balance of assessment at secondary is 'completely wrong', says former education secretary

Phillipson: ‘I need your help to deliver school reforms’

Education secretary hosts more than 150 school and wider education sector guests at the DfE, after pledge to 'reset the relationship with the profession'

Ruth Perry review: Councils ‘hamstrung’ over school leader support

An independent review of Reading Council's actions after the death of the headteacher highlights the 'folly of a macho culture' of high-stakes accountability in schools

Don’t leave ‘orphan’ schools to languish, trusts urge Labour

The government must 'urgently' come up with a plan to support small primary schools at risk of closure because of falling pupil rolls, say trust leaders

Ofsted ‘is facing an existential crisis’

Alternative Big Listen survey suggests the inspectorate has lost the confidence of the sector, with nine in 10 respondents saying it is not fit for purpose

Governors’ financial fears at record high

Six in 10 governors and trustees say that balancing their school budget is now their biggest challenge

Have new teacher training reforms helped retention?

One fifth of new teachers leave the state sector after two years, new government data shows

Weekly round-up: Labour’s big schools mission begins

This week’s education news round-up focuses on Bridget Phillipson taking the helm at the DfE and how she will put her party's ambitious plans for education into action

Just ‘1 in 3 trusts’ could afford 3% teacher pay rise

Most trust finance chiefs say their organisations are vulnerable and eating into their reserves to cover costs

DfE hires Sir Kevan Collins as schools standards adviser

Former education recovery commissioner appointed as non-executive director at the Department for Education

Don’t sack heads for a poor Ofsted, CST leader says

Leora Cruddas, chief executive of the MAT sector body, says trusts should know their schools and heads, and not be reliant upon Ofsted to highlight problems

Damian Hinds named as shadow education secretary

Former education secretary and schools minister appointed to the Conservatives' opposition front bench

Sats results 2024: Slight rise overall

The number of marks needed to pass maths has fallen following this year's 'deliberately tricky' paper

Punitive measures to cut absence ‘no longer work’

Schools should instead adopt a 'collaborative approach', providing support to families of pupils with poor attendance, study finds

Labour must end SEND ‘arms race’, MAT leaders say

MAT leaders have said that the SEND system needs 'radical reform' and should be fixed as a 'priority'