The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (Timss) data shows that English children’s performance in maths ranks ninth for Year 5 and and sixth for Year 9. But there are some particular areas of weakness, including geometry (Years 5 and 9), measurement (Year 5) and maths reasoning (Year 9).
This is reminiscent of the weakness in space and shape for English 15-year-olds reported in the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) data earlier this year.
The Department for Education’s national report on the Timss scores focuses on the need for attention to be paid to these weak areas. It also recommends developing cognitive skills to support both maths and science development.
I propose giving more attention to spatial reasoning in the maths curricula as a key evidence-based approach to address these recommendations.
Spatial reasoning is the ability to understand the spatial properties of objects, such as their size and location, and to visualise objects and problems in the mind. It underpins skills like problem-solving, data science and critical thinking - all essential for quantitative literacy.
Spatial reasoning: the research evidence
There is a large body of research showing that spatial reasoning is foundational to mathematics and science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem) subjects more broadly.
Simply put, children with good spatial reasoning skills are better at maths. Importantly, there is robust evidence that spatial reasoning can be taught, and that teaching children to think and learn spatially has a positive impact on both spatial ability and maths attainment.
But despite the research evidence, spatial reasoning has little emphasis in maths curricula in England. This is out of kilter with initiatives in Canada, Finland, Singapore and Australia, where maths has been “spatialised”.
We know that spatial ability in childhood predicts adult expertise in Stem. Thus a focus on spatial reasoning in English maths curricula might not only improve Timss scores but also make a monumental difference to addressing the current Stem skills shortage (in the UK the Stem skills shortage amounts to more than £1.5 billion in losses annually).
So what could this look like in practice? A spatialised maths curriculum focuses on the importance of visualisation for problem-solving; spatial representation of numbers, data and relationships (drawing, maps, diagrams and graphs); and the use of spatial language and gesture (for examples of how practitioners can apply spatial reasoning in the classroom, see our spatial reasoning toolkit (developed with the Early Childhood Maths Group) and other resources).
The geometry problem
Ofsted’s 2023 analysis of maths curricula in England reported that geometry was often only taught at the end of the year, after formalised tests, which is indicative of its low priority in schools. I fully agree with the DfE’s recommendation that it needs to be given higher priority. Additionally, I propose that the geometry curriculum needs to be better specified to take account of current research on spatial reasoning.
For example, it currently excludes visualisation. This is the ability to imagine and manipulate spatial information in the mind’s eye, and has been compared to having a mental blackboard. It is foundational to geometry and mathematical problem-solving, particularly non-routine problems and mathematical word problems.
An expansion of the geometry elements of the maths curriculum to include visualisation - as well as other neglected areas known to be beneficial, such as spatial scale and perspective - is needed.
Spatial reasoning is strongly associated with geometry, measurement and the problem-solving required for maths reasoning. A spatialised curriculum is therefore a robust, evidence-based way of improving the weaker aspects of maths in England and supporting mathematics learning more broadly.
By prioritising spatial reasoning, we can enhance student outcomes, address Stem skills shortages and prepare learners for a data-driven future.
Emily Farran is director of the cognition, genes and developmental variability lab at the University of Surrey