Central Bedfordshire College wins professional services team of the year

Central Bedfordshire College’s student services team have truly created an environment where students feel safe, supported and empowered
23rd February 2018, 10:11pm


Central Bedfordshire College wins professional services team of the year


Creating an environment where students feel safe, supported and empowered has been at the heart of the work of Central Bedfordshire College’s student services team.

Despite a large proportion of the college’s students coming from areas of deprivation, the wraparound services of the team have helped to deliver an improvement in student performance - with 96 per cent of graduating students progressing to higher education, apprenticeships and employment. 

A collaborative approach between the student services, curriculum and senior management teams has resulted in a culture where 94 per cent of students reported feeling safe at college. There has also been a 3 per cent drop in reported cases of bullying since last year.

The student services team has tackled some difficult topics by providing a forum for debate, contributing to a culture of understanding and tolerance. 

The team uses its extensive local knowledge to help to protect students from radicalisation, in accordance with the government’s Prevent strategy, and a social mobility strategy ensures that equality of opportunity is promoted throughout the college. 

Achievement gaps between different student groups have been eliminated through careful monitoring and appropriate interventions, with more students now succeeding at higher levels of achievement. 

The judges felt that the college’s entry was “very powerful”. “The importance of the service that the team provides is clear through the range of evidence provided,” they said.

To see the full list of winners please click here, or follow all the glitz and glamour of the night with the #TesFEawards

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