School leaders have been advised that pupils only need to work for up to three hours a day while schools remain closed due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Guidance issued this morning from the NEU teaching union said pupils should do a maximum of three hours’ “work”.
“A maximum of two to three hours of “work” per day is plenty and will keep minds active but enthusiastic,” it states.
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“Getting children to help with household activities such as washing, cooking and gardening is educational, as is watching some ‘good’ TV or online streams, such as documentaries and drama.”
Mary Bousted, joint general secretary of the NEU, said: “The NEU guidance on distance-learning out today makes very clear what should be acceptable levels of workload.
“Many schools and colleges have already adopted a sensible approach to school work and engagement with students. Some have not, so it is essential that all heads and leadership teams ensure neither school staff, parents or students are overwhelmed and confused by unrealistic expectations and workload.”
“Accessing a normal timetable or individual support simply will not be possible during this period of intense lock down and crisis. We cannot educate the nation’s children and young people remotely.”