Exclusive: Schools facing new Covid-19 safety checks

The Health and Safety Executive plans to check that schools are putting in place measures to keep staff and pupils safe
4th September 2020, 7:11pm


Exclusive: Schools facing new Covid-19 safety checks

Coronavirus: Schools Could Face Visits From The Health & Safety Executive

Schools face new Covid safety checks and potentially visits from the Health and Safety Executive this term, Tes can reveal.

The news comes as concerns grow among headteachers over Ofsted’s visits to schools this term

Geoff Barton, the general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, warned the HSE checks were “another set of questions” being dropped on schools just days after they return.

The executive will be calling schools over the telephone and could carry out follow-up visits to check on plans for keeping pupils and staff safe and reducing the transmission of Covid-19.

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The HSE calls will also check on a school’s risk assessments and if any concerns are raised the HSE may carry out a visit to the school site, teachers have been told.

Coronavirus: Health and safety checks on schools

The news that schools could face visits from the HSE comes just days after Ofsted confirmed its plans to carry out more than 1,000 school visits this term to check on how well pupils are being supported to catch up after the Covid-19 lockdown.

The HSE calls have been revealed in a bulletin that has been sent out to schools by the Department for Education.

Schools have been told to ensure that staff are aware that these checks are taking place and that designated individuals are familiar with their school’s risk assessment.

A HSE statement in this bulletin says: “Over the coming days and weeks, HSE will be phoning schools to check their risk assessments and the arrangements they have in place to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus.

“To assist schools with any calls from HSE, we would suggest staff are made aware of the checks and designated individuals are familiar with the school’s risk assessment.

“In cases where the initial call raises concerns, HSE will work with schools to advise on next steps, which may include a visit if appropriate. This will be on a suitable date and time arranged in collaboration with the school.

“We know that schools are working extremely hard to protect staff and pupils by putting protective measures in place. We hope this additional support from HSE will provide further reassurance to staff, pupils and parents.”

Tes revealed last month that the new Ofsted visits would not be checking on how well schools are meeting government guidelines for reopening.

But they will assess how schools are supporting pupils back to full-time education after the Covid-19 lockdown.

Now, on the first week back, schools have also been told they will face a safety check from the HSE.

Mr Barton said: “I think it is quite sensible for the HSE to be asking these questions but I think it is a question of timing.

“School leaders will have been back in for one two or three days and this is another thing for them to deal with swirling around the periphery.

“Schools have been working so hard over the summer, digesting the changing government guidance.  

“I think schools could just have done with being given a bit of time to get everything in place before another set of questions from someone outside of the school is put in front of them.”


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