Coronavirus: Teaching watchdog launches ‘wellbeing hub’

The importance of supporting teachers’ mental health during the coronavirus outbreak is highlighted by new wellbeing hub
24th March 2020, 8:54am


Coronavirus: Teaching watchdog launches ‘wellbeing hub’
Coronavirus: Teaching Watchdog Launches 'wellbeing Hub'

Coronavirus has prompted the General Teaching Council for Scotland to launch a “hub for teacher wellbeing”.

The GTCS has gathered links, resources, articles, webinars and other resources “to try to help teachers manage their wellbeing”.d

Protecting teacher wellbeing amid coronavirus outbreak

It said: ”We will be adding to this over the coming weeks with resources including webinars and articles from wellbeing experts.”

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On the hub, the GTCS says: “It is important that throughout this time all education professionals care for their mental health and wellbeing. Pressures and worries can build up to a point where they have a detrimental effect on wellbeing, which, in turn, impacts teachers’ ability to do their job.

“In the current circumstances, it can be challenging to balance wellbeing with managing uncertainty and changing expectations.”

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