School leavers choose FE or HE in record numbers

The Covid-related unemployment crisis has resulted in more young people entering college or university in Scotland
24th February 2021, 11:08am


School leavers choose FE or HE in record numbers
Covid: School Leavers Are Choose College Or University In Record Numbers

The proportion of school leavers going into higher or further education in Scotland has reached a record high of 72 per cent, the latest statistics show, with the Covid pandemic being seen as a major factor.

New figures also show that the overall proportion of school leavers going into “positive destinations” has decreased, to 93 per cent.

Scotland’s education secretary, John Swinney, said this was due to the pandemic affecting opportunities for employment, with a notable fall in young people entering the workforce.

Scottish Labour said the data showed that the SNP government was “entrenching inequality”.

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The chief statistician’s figure for school leavers entering higher and further education increased from 68 per cent in 2019 to 72 per cent in 2020.

Covid: More school leavers going into college or university

The proportion entering positive destinations, which include work, training or further study, went from 95 per cent to 93 per cent over the same period.

The new figures came days after statistics from from university admissions body Ucas showed a huge rise in university applications from poorer parts of Scotland.

Commenting on the chief statistician’s figures, Mr Swinney said: “Despite the challenges of Covid-19, it is heartening to see a continued high proportion of our pupils in positive destinations after leaving school, with a record percentage continuing in further and higher education.

“This year’s statistics clearly highlight the impact of the pandemic on young people, with a sizeable decrease in those entering employment reflecting the limited opportunities in the labour market.

“We are providing direct support to those affected through the Young Person’s Guarantee, which gives every 16- to 24-year-old a job, placement, training or volunteering opportunity.”

He said the impact of the pandemic had made attempts to close the poverty-related income gap more difficult.

Mr Swinney said: “While official measures of the attainment gap rose slightly over the year, the proportion of leavers from the most deprived areas gaining one pass or more at a given level or better rose at most SCQF (Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework) levels and the attainment gap is much smaller than it was in 2009-10.

“Over the last 10 years, we have seen the gap close significantly at most SCQF levels with the difference in the proportion of school leavers achieving a pass at SCQF Level 6 (Higher or equivalent) or better among those from the least and most deprived areas decreasing by 9.6 per cent compared to 2009-10.

“We have committed over £300 million in education recovery over this year and next, including to recruit additional teachers and support staff and address digital exclusion, and I am determined to continue to support our young people through these unprecedented times.”

But Scottish Labour said the data showed that the SNP government was failing Scotland’s young people and “entrenching inequality”.

Fewer young people getting jobs

The party’s education spokesperson, Iain Gray, said: “The news that fewer pupils are leaving school to go on to positive destinations makes a mockery of the SNP’s alleged focus on education and underlines the damage done by John Swinney’s mishandling of the pandemic.

“These figures may well be the early signs of the impact of the pandemic on the life prospects of our young people, but the truth is the SNP has been failing our young people for years. The figures also make it clear that it is young people from our poorer communities that are the hardest hit.”

Mr Gray added: “With the number of leavers entering the workplace plummeting, it is clear that much more needs to be done to support pupils who do not choose to pursue further or higher education.

“It is time the SNP government stopped talking about independence referendums and started telling us how they intend to build a recovery which will secure a future for Scotland’s next generation.”

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