How you can raise funds

5th April 2002, 1:00am


How you can raise funds
‘Selling Naseer’ helps children to understand how difficult life is in Afghanistan today. Now they have an opportunity to do something about it through the TESUNICEF Children Helping Children appeal, which is working to get Afghan children back into school by repairing buildings, training teachers and supplying textbooks and stationery. If you are stuck for ideas take a look at the first half of our A-Z of fundraising ideas.

Auction Auction of promises. Staff might offer to do something crazy (wear a wig? Wear school uniform? Be taught by pupils for a lesson?) in return for a donation.

Assembly Dedicate an assembly to Aghanistan and encourage children to think how they might support their counterparts there.

Brick buy brick The average cost of repairing a derelict school is about pound;400. Use building blocks to represent each pound;5 you raise.

Competition Charge to enter a competition for the best kite design, story or picture; pay to play in a concert.

Dress up Hold a fancy dress competition representing countries from around the world; dress in the colours of another country’s flag.

End of term activities Disco, music day, talent show, uniform sale, toy sale, games day, “guess the teacher” baby photo competition - you name it!

Food Hold an Afghan food day. Sell snacks at break; hold a cake sale.

Games day Pay to play games such as skittles.

History day Research Afghanistan’s history and present it at a show or assembly.

Images Paintingphotographic competition.

Jumble sale Sell old clothes, toys, sports equipment.

Kites Hold a kite festival or competition for the best design.

Local organisations See if local groups (eg Girl Guides, Scouts, Lions clubs) would like to join in.

Part two next week

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