It’s no joke if you croak

Teachers use their voice more than actors do. Voice coach Phyllida Furse offers tips to newly qualified teachers on protecting this natural asset
7th May 2010, 1:00am


It’s no joke if you croak

As a new teacher you may be looking forward to your first appointment - but have you considered that you will be using your voice day in, day out, in all weathers and in a whole range of physical, acoustic and emotional environments? That you will be communicating to varying numbers of people at any one time, in a variety of spaces? And that you will have to be at your best whether you feel like it or not?

With lessons effectively being a series of `performances,’ and by virtue of continuous use of the muscles that produce sound and speech, teachers are `professional voice users’, often more so than actors. This is physically and vocally demanding. And as any experienced teacher who has ever had a voice problem will know: no voice, no job. Odd then, that unlike actors, teachers generally receive very little voice training. But there are some things you can teach yourself.

In class you’ll need crisp consonants for a clear message. In addition you will need to adjust your pitch, pace, inflection and tone, according to the situation. The mood and meaning of our message is derived from vowel sounds, which are governed by the shapes we make with the tongue inside the mouth. There is real physical work behind an effective communication.

For a healthy, communicative voice:

  • Stretch, hum and hiss before work.
  • Stretch up and wave the arms from side to side to raise the ribs and open the chest.
  • Exhale then breathe in deeply on the recoil.
  • Exhale slowly to `ssss’ then `shhh’ then `zhhh’. Imagine your lungs filling from lower down like balloons. Feel the rib cage expand further with each new intake of breath.
  • Hum gently to `mm’, feel the vibration in the upper chest, throat, nose and chest. Start off very quietly, gradually increasing volume. Let the hum fill your mouth like a drink. This will warm the muscles powering the vocal folds safely, and help increase resonance. Best place for this is in the shower, or as you drive to work.
  • Practise vocal slides up and down on `ng’ to eliminate pitch breaks.
    • Energise the articulators with a few tongue twisters. Repeat rapidly, about six times each:

      • Mixed biscuits.
      • Rubber baby buggy bumpers.
      • Peggy Babcock.
        • At work

Stand tall - shoulder blades sloping down the back, head comfortably balanced at the top of the spine to increase breath support and give both you and the class the reassuring feeling that you are in control.

You will not feel or convey confidence by standing in a `sag’ position. Claim your territory in the classroom and walk forward, leading with your legs, not your chin.

Remember to breathe (sometimes we forget) - allow yourself to breathe deeply and easily before you have something important to say. Big breaths generate volume, enabling you to power the voice from lower down, keeping tension away from the throat. Think of speaking from the belly rather than your neck. Be focused on where you are sending the sound.

Speak less - non-verbal signals will save your voice: try rhythmic hand clapping plus gestures for children to copy; counting down to silence with the fingers of one hand or using an egg timer icon on the whiteboard; stand still raising your hand slightly as you look round the room; use the sound of a tambourine, castanets, triangle, rainstick etc, or hold up a picture.

For older students, cultivate your stillness, and `presence’ by `waiting’ for them to be quiet, using a `look’ rather than words to indicate silence. Gesture can help, or even a normal bell. It is essential to establish the rules from day one regarding non-compliance and stick to them. Know what the ladder of sanctions is in your school should things get out of hand.

Articulate and relax

Over 60 per cent of what we say is interpreted with the help of consonants. Enunciate clearly and bother to use word endings. Avoid over- attacking on words starting with a vowel, eg `Umm’, as it brings your vocal folds forcefully together, causing painful inflammation.

Tension towing is the enemy of the voice. A tight neck gives a tight sound, which is uncomfortable to listen to and turns off the class. Take advantage of any staff breaks in the day, and schedule time for rest and relaxation during the busy working week. Cultivate a hobby.

If possible, take regular exercise. Keeping the body supple and flexible through pilates or yoga will help keep you mentally supple. The endorphins released will mop up adrenaline and be a better solution to stress than pills or alcohol. Sleep is your best friend - only then can cell repair take place.

To prevent problems, avoid:

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