A-level results day 2018: clearing dates

A-level results day 2018 is just around the corner – here are all the key dates you need to know for clearing
17th July 2018, 12:00am


A-level results day 2018: clearing dates

Coronavirus: International Baccalaureate Changes Delayed

16 August: A-level results day

Students can receive their results slips from their school from 6am but should have been informed by their school or college about exactly when and how to collect results.

For students going through clearing 2018, it is advisable for students to bring with them their Ucas letter and contact details for any firm and insurance university offers they have, their Ucas personal ID number, details of their qualifications (including GCSEs) as well as copies of personal statements and references.

31 August: Remaining offer conditions must be met and adjustment ends

The deadline for any remaining conditions to be met - otherwise the university or college might not accept you.

Adjustment ends (Adjustment is a chance for you to reconsider where and what to study. If you’ve met and exceeded conditions for your firm choice, you can look for an alternative course. Find alternative courses here). 

20 September: Final deadline for 2018 entry applications

This is the last date you can submit applications to 2018 entry courses. Applications must arrive at Ucas by 6pm (BST). 

university accepts bsl

30 September: 2018 entry clearing vacancies removed from Ucas search tool

The ability to search for 2018 clearing vacancies will no longer be available on the Ucas website. 

23 October: Last date to add 2018 entry clearing choices and for universities/colleges to make decisions 

This is the final deadline for entries via clearing for both students and institutions. 

Clearing, how to navigate clearing, poster

For all the latest news, views and analysis on A-level results day, please visit our specialist A-level results hub. 

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