Matt Hood leaves Ambition Institute

Chief education officer at graduate school for teachers and school leaders will leave role by end of 2019
2nd October 2019, 10:31am


Matt Hood leaves Ambition Institute
Matt Hood

The chief education officer at Ambition Institute has announced he will be leaving his role at the end of the year.

Quick read: Ambition Institute appoints new chief executive

Background: Ambition Institute launched to support teachers and leaders

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Matt Hood, who began work on Ambition Institute’s predecessor organisation, the Institute for Teaching in 2014, before overseeing its merger with Ambition School Leadership in 2018, said he is “really proud” of his team’s work over the past five years.

Mr Hood’s brief at the graduate school, which supports educators serving children from disadvantaged backgrounds, will now be led by both Marie Hamer, executive director of learning design and teaching, and Tom Rees, executive director of school leadership.  

The organisation said Mr Hood is looking forward to a “well-earned break”, and plans to take an extended honeymoon with his husband, Frontline chief executive Josh MacAlister.

Rebecca Boomer-Clark, chair of trustees at Ambition Institute, said: “It’s not an overstatement to say that Ambition Institute simply wouldn’t be here without Matt. He has been instrumental in shaping the sector’s debate about what expertise in teaching, school and system leadership looks like, initially as founder of the Institute for Teaching and for the last year in his role at Ambition. 

“He really will be missed, but the whole team wishes him all the best in his next steps.”  

Mr Hood added: “I’m really proud of what my wonderful team have built together over the past five years. I have said many times that I believe England’s education system has the potential to be the best in the world - where every child, no matter what their background, gets a great education. 

“But to get there we have to become the best place in the world to be a teacher. Making that a reality alongside our partners in schools, universities and government is what we have been working on at Ambition Institute. But there is more to do.   

“We have to get the great conversations about teaching that have sprung up across the country over the past five years into every staffroom; with the early career framework now in place we have to take a fresh look at all of the other professional standards and frameworks to make sure that they are aligned and form attractive career pathways for educators; and we have to keep building the evidence base so that we can make ever-better bets on what’s likely to work best.

“I am confident that Ambition Institute will continue to make an important contribution towards helping educators and the wider system to keep getting better.”  

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